Saturday, March 29, 2008
urghh!! can anyone tell me how to lose weight fast?
without using any diet pills or whatsoever. ):
cries. D':
im getting fatter by the day
when i want to exercise it rains!
its so unfair!! ):
maybe i will really resort to diet pills, once i reach the 80kg mark
but im faraway frm it tho.
but still!! i hate my weight nowwwwww. )):
i so l.s.e. can! boohoo!!!
im gonna eat fruits and vegs and no more sprite or passion fruit for me!
im going to wake up at 7 everyday to go running
im going to do it!!! ohh yes i am!!
im so sad. im so sad. cry cry cry
3 mths later! im gonna lose ten kg.!! :)
im going to do it!! 2 week later i will put if i have lost weight or not!!
this is mine!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
i have decided to get that camera!!!!
i have nth t blog abut
and im sad
no lah jk
Labels: that camera
Monday, March 24, 2008
people!! this is very serious!!
WE have to stop global warming!!!
think of this
at 1 degree warmer
shortages in grain and meat markets
at 2 degrees wamer
coral reef dies off
at 3 degrees warmer
sandstorms over paris
at 4 degrees warmer
new york completely submergered
at 5 degrees warmer
climate refugees fight over scarce resources
at 6 degrees warmer
the world resembles the cretaceous period
cretaceous is noting or pertaining to a period of the Mesozoic Era, from 140 million to 65 million years ago, characterized by the greatest development and subsequent extinction of dinosaurs and the advent of flowering plants and modern insects.
scientists say that we are still 50-60 years till 6 degrees warmer
but at the rate that technology is improving
it will be less!!
even if we die 60 years later
what about our children and your grand children?
do you really think that it is fair for them to die at 20 or 30 years of age?
and what about he little ones?
they might not even reach the age of ten when they pass away.
backpackers or those who inspire to be one,
do you really want to back pack aorund places where there is sand and water only
and put yourself in danger of being hit by a thunderstorm or cyclone?
you might think
even if we start now, we cant do much on our own!
yes it is true
but if we can spread this message around.
it will be more than ourselves,
it will be US thats trying to save the world.
US trying our best to do what we can
in which other people's eyes are redundant and unstoppable
this is very serious!!
if we could just,
switch off that powerpoint,
not take that plastic bag,
turn off the lights,
turn up the temperature
or even take a shorter shower,
it could help!
saving the environment means saving ourselves
and it is very critical for us to stop global warming,
because. if we dont
our extinction will be only decades away.
not centuries, not millenniums
but decades.
here are some ways to kickstart your plan to save the world! :D
People should reduce the usage of electrical appliances which emits green house gases.For e.g. the refrigerator releases chloro fluro carbon (CFC) and the incandescent light lamp emits 300 pounds of carbon dioxide a year. This can be replaced by a compact fluorescent light bulb which saves much energy.
Follow RRR-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.People should not dump waste products in the ground. Plant products, food waste, vegetable dump undergoes anaerobic decomposition i.e. they break down to produce methane, a green house gas instead of oxygen. Hence the product usage and wastage should be reduced or recycled for a healthy atmosphere.
Trees absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide.Many trees should be planted since they involve in photosynthesis, food preparation with the help of sunlight. During this process, trees absorb carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. Also, existing forests should be saved and usage of plant byproducts shouldn’t be wasted.
Usage of green power prevents 300 kg of carbon dioxide to be emitted into the atmosphere.The electricity obtained from the renewable resources like wind and water is called green power. The cost is also low in case of green power.
Insulation of the ceiling of a house and power saving is the important factor to reduce global warming. The electric appliances should be switched off instead to hold it in stand by mode. This will save more power since stand by mode consumes 40% of the energy.
People should use only energy efficient appliances. Thermostat should be used for air conditioners since it reduces the temperature automatically.
Consumption of organic food should be increased because organic soil absorb large amount of carbon dioxide. Buying local food reduces the consumption of fuel. Cows emits large amount of methane due to their vegetarian diet. Hence meat consumption should be reduced. Also tetra packs should be used instead of tinned food.
Periodic maintenance of the vehicles helps in efficient usage of fuel and reduces release of green house gases. Proper inflation of tyres should be done and fuel wastage should be avoided.
Teach your neighborhood and friendsabout the cause and impacts of global warming and methods to reduce it. Conservation of forests also forms a factor to reduce global warming.
the seriousness of global warming is obvious to us but we are adamant to it!
mother nature is fighting back!
we have to do something before it is too late!!
since you are already online.. check this websites out
www.abeautifullie.org\CLICK HERE >>
sp enrolment
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
18th of mar was the sp enrolment
like!! wtf can
waste of time
spent 'bout an hr and a half in sp
carrying my getting-heavier-with-every-step-i-take laptop
walking up and down staircases
in an unfamiliar place
with unfamiliar faces
like!!! sheesh...
people asking me to join camps, so on and so forth
but i only registered for the freshmen orientation.
oh, and the 'one-night-on-campus' camp
i do not even know whens the o.n.o.c camp held on
im considering between dragon boating and basketball
hmm. any ideas anyone?
the freshmen orientation camp is held at.. guess where?
st. john island.
i don't know if im excited or scared.
its st. john island leh.
ghosts and ghouls. later attack me how.. ):
anyway the seniors said it would be fun.
so what the heck.
but that was til' i found out that weekait and chunsiang wasn't going.
and they didn't tell me!
so much for being friends.
and yes. i was being conned by the sp enrolment guide.
it wrote.
" station 6
configure your laptop."
when i read this in the morning,(yes, last minute)
i thought. :i need to carry my laptop!?!? aiyah sian.. bo bian carry lor
so i dutifully carried my laptop on to my uncle's car and i rode to sp
then i carried it UP THE STAIRS into the lecture hall
then to station 2, 3, 4, 5.. 6
then when i THOUGHT it was time to configure my laptop..
the unthinkable happened
this was our conversation. (between the person and myself)
person: u want to buy laptop?
me: i got my own. is this the place for laptop config.?
person: no.
(pay attention to what he says)
u have to BOOK a time and then come down and configure.
me: (obviously stunned) huh???
person: u what course one?
me: ahh. triple e
person: u die liao. triple mus confirm go configure.
AT LEAST half day. i think u must book 2 slots.
me: huh??!?!!?!??! half day????!
person: yah. u book faster better if not got alot of pple u die.
me: oh.. okay thanks
i was thinking
half day??
2 slots??!?
effing bullshit can
the stupid enrolment guide con me some more
tell me bring my laptop.
and so,
for the first time in my life
i was scam-ed by a book.
talk about being unlucky
then i walked ard with the laptop
then when i finally saw the way out! i nearly screamed for joy and kissed the road.
nearly though.
i cabbed home and went online to check booking times
for my lappy
okay i booked 26th mar 9am.
(i must have been out of my mind to book a time as early as nine in the morning.)
then when i checked. the booking time was from 9-12. 9 to 12!!! 3 hours!
just for my laptop to be configured!
god damn.
i think they dismantle the laptop. then put it back again
then dismantle it again.
the person still told me to book 2 slots.
im not ready to spend 6 hours in sp so soon):
so i didnt bother to book another time slot.
i figured,
well, they couldn't configure my laptop halfway and stop.
could they?
tough question.
tough answer.
then i brought my lappy to town and slacked at yanru's shop
i have no life.
then we closed shop and
went home
im going to see my dentist today
i haven't been wearing my headgear.
i hope she doesn't find out. hehe
and I've been slacking off..
not diligently dieting..
maybe it wasn't you that didn't understand
maybe it was me
or maybe i shouldn't have talked to you that fateful july night
or was it karma returning what i did
this shouldn't have happened.
i never thought i would have to let go
it wasn't what i though it would be
and it wasn't what i planned
maybe you were right to let go of me
before i hurt you
or maybe u knew you couldn't let go of her
and you were afraid.
i never thought i would still be missing you every now and then
even after three months
it's no doubt that u left a great impact on me
a big scar.
perhaps its fate that holds u back from me
Labels: so much for one day
shopping with yanru, esther and xuanhui :D
Sunday, March 16, 2008
HELLO everyone!!
i went out with yanru, xuanhui and esther on the 14 of mar! :D haha
i went to highlight my hair and then we walked ard and slacked (:
i think no one bought stuff??
ohh yanru bought smthing frm zara! oh yeah a shirt. :D
anyone want to see my highlighted hair!?!?
DATE ME!!!!!!
then we went to my aunt's shop to eat stuff! good stuff. hahahahahaha :
yums! :D
we didnt do much things that day but we took alot of pictures! :D
hohoho! :D
okok look! :D
15th MAR.
hambe's farewell dinner.
like 15years passed. so quickly and she's leaving.
so fast!! D:
i think i will miss her even though she's a bit fierce.
haha :D
k lar but the food at the farewell party ah,.. was good!!
esp the egg tart.
scrumptous. :DD
hahaha. then i went to yanru there and slacked.
but before that i went to crumpler and
bought the RED laptop bag thing. hehehe :D
eighty-seven dollars.
k the food photos and
my camwhoring. lol
super act cute can. haha
oh .. im lazy to upload the pics. hoho
will show u the bunny-that-can-be-eaten soon. hahahaha :D
imissedyou,butudidn'tmiss meback
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
i went out with esther yanru and xuanhui on the 7th?. yah the 7th of mar. im ..BORED and i am lazy to blog. )):bye. i dont want to blog. hee hee.aiyah so and see my 2nd post lah. nicer. cos got photos. hahaBYEBYE :D
im back!(:
okay so was in korea, japan and bangkok. haha.
it was snowing in korea.. waHH!
so pretty can hahah.
but no photos cos i didnt bring my digital camera..
so couldn't take any photos..
cry. D:
haha. then i went to japan..
i went to the fish market!!!!
WAHH THE tuna dam big can..!!!
let the photos speak for themselves.

threee men to cut the tuna!! LIKE!!
then the other photos of the fish market.((:
this is so cute can! haha


tuna!! huge tuna!

you see!! the fish wears contact lens..

my breakfast for that day!!! :D

then i saw this but wasn't at the fish market anymore!
LOOK! how cool!
i wonder why singapore dont have. hmm? haha

then in the train i saw-ed this
so cute!!
yah then i come back liao. i mean i flew back to singapore. haha
oh and bangkok was like shopping heaven!haha